আজ ১২ই শ্রাবণ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ, ২৭শে জুলাই, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

সময় : সকাল ৮:৩৭

বার : শনিবার

ঋতু : বর্ষাকাল

FOBANA Executive Committee (EC) expelled

FOBANA Executive Committee (EC) expelled (i) Atiquer Rahman (ii) Bedarul islam Babla (iii) Zakarial Chowdhury (iv) Rafiq Khan from FOBANA for 5 years for violating FOBANA constitution and fraudulent activities.
A number of allegation with proof were presented to the EC committee including misrepresenting FOBANA, conspiracy, fraudulent activities, falsifying official documents and spreading rumors. The EC committee found the accused members to be responsible for the violations, a motion to expel was put up on the floor and 21 out of 22 EC members present in the meeting voted ‘Yes’ to expel the accused.

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